First of all, I would like to say thanks to everyone that commented on my last post, I really appreciate your input. : ) So here is another project from Illustration 1. The goal was to create a composite image of either a good or bad memory or dream. I chose to create image about working with my Dad when I was a little younger. This is a really fun memory and I tried to capture the feeling of the vastness of the woods and showcase the Skidder which is key to logging in Maine.
Thanks for the kind words on my post. And your latest assignment?
Really cool!! Sounds like a fun one. I especially like the caricature/simplification of your face, it totally reads as you :) And good job on that Skidder (there's that good ol' perspective again!)
Hmm. I wonder if they changed the syllabus for illustration 1 cause I don't remember this assignment. The skidder thing looks pretty cool man!
nice job brandon.
Great job dude, looks really good!
Hey Brandon, nice illustration. I like the storytelling.
Lynn and I just found your blog. These are great! We were in the Flagship just after Xmas and saw some of your work. Fantastic!
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